Showing posts with label Healthy Lifestyles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Lifestyles. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Your Guide To Quick Weight Loss

Have you let yourself go a bit in recent months or years? Do you have a special event coming up soon? Wouldn’t you like to look like your old self for that special day? Losing weight quickly is something many of us strive to do from time to time, but it can be difficult.

Some of you may even believe that quick weight loss is impossible to achieve short of starving yourself. However, this is simply not true. The following article will teach you how you can safely lose weight quickly and keep that weight off. Read on and learn some great tips for losing weight fast!
The first step you are going to take is to substitute all of your beverages with water. So goodbye to sodas and juices that are full of unnecessary sugar. You’d be surprised to learn how many extra calories you can consume from sodas alone, and these calories have no nutritional benefits other than expanding your waist line.

Some of you may find it difficult to drink only water all day every day, but give it time, and you’ll soon see that your cravings for sugary drinks will go away, and you will enjoy much more energy throughout the day when you drink enough water.

Strive to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day (more if you are working out). Carrying around a water bottle will make it much easier for you to get your daily requirements of water as it will always be around so you never forget to drink up.

If you are serious about losing weight in a hurry then you are going to have to find some way to burn calories. Now running 5 miles a day would do the job, but lets be honest, who on earth wants to do that? Rather, it is important that you find an activity that you enjoy doing so that you can stay motivated during your weight loss journey. Try playing basketball or any other sport that you enjoy, and you will soon see the pounds start to melt away.

When it comes to losing weight quickly, you must burn more calories than you consume. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your portions small when you do it. This doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself, but you should be making a conscious habit of eating only what you need to sustain your energy throughout the day. Try breaking your meals into 5 small meals instead of 3 larger ones so that you feel fuller throughout the entire day.
We’ve just gone over a few of the many ways you can help yourself lose weight quickly. You should take the time and do some research on your own to find even more helpful ways to lose weight, but if you implement the tips mentioned in this article, you are sure to drop those pounds in not time and enjoy the body you once had. Good luck!

What You Must Incorporate Into Your Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight is no easy task, especially if you’ve spent too many years putting it on. You’ve got to be 100 percent dedicated to the process and have a good strategy behind your efforts. Consider the following ways to improve your approach to weight loss and increase your chances of finally succeeding with it.
1. Think long-term, not temporary fix. As you devise your weight loss plan, consider the benefits of adopting healthy habits on a permanent basis. Your immediate goal may be to attain a certain weight, but the ways in which you get there can benefit you in other areas also, like reducing your chances of developing heart disease. Look into your future and visualize yourself being thinner and committed to your overall health as well.
2. Avail yourself to weight loss tools. Those who keep a food and exercise journal consistently lose more pounds than those who don’t; get into the habit of logging your behavior and tracking the progress associated with it. Buy a measuring tape and record your dimensions every few weeks to keep you in line with your program. Weighing yourself is also an important element of the success of your efforts and nipping problems in the bud before they become overwhelming.
3. Seek support from your social circle. No matter what the goal is, when you’ve got solid backing from the people that mean the most to you, your chances of success skyrocket compared to going it alone. Make sure people around you know what’s going on so they can make positive contributions to your efforts and throw their full support behind you. If possible, find a friend who has been talking about managing their own weight and join forces with dieting tips, workouts together and helpful encouragement.

4. Set goals to keep you going. Having a healthy weekly reduction goal will help maintain your focus and motivation. Set your sights on a fabulous pair of jeans and commit to fitting into them within a month or so, or lay out some other concrete and measurable goal that is realistic and worth fighting for. Although the end-goal of reaching your ideal weight is your primary objective, you need to keep it fun, interesting and rewarding along the way.

5. Don’t give up. It may take you longer to see real results than you originally anticipated, or something else may be going on with your metabolism. Have a chat with your physician if you become too frustrated, to rule out any underlying obstacles that you may not be aware of. Understand that weight loss is not an instantaneous process and may require even more of an effort than what you’ve been trying thus far. Intensifying your workout in some way or being more selective with the types of calories you consume may move the process along, however, you must accept that the process of weight loss is challenging and requires your total, long-term commitment.
It’s tough to resist temptation and adhere to a fitness regimen, but if you aren’t dedicated to your weight loss program, all of your efforts are pretty much wasted. Give yourself the opportunity to succeed by taking the right approach and following through with great ideas, like the ones you have just read. Learn to live a new lifestyle, incorporating healthy habits, and you will reach your weight loss goals!.

What You Must Incorporate Into Your Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight is no easy task, especially if you’ve spent too many years putting it on. You’ve got to be 100 percent dedicated to the process and have a good strategy behind your efforts. Consider the following ways to improve your approach to weight loss and increase your chances of finally succeeding with it.
1. Think long-term, not temporary fix. As you devise your weight loss plan, consider the benefits of adopting healthy habits on a permanent basis. Your immediate goal may be to attain a certain weight, but the ways in which you get there can benefit you in other areas also, like reducing your chances of developing heart disease. Look into your future and visualize yourself being thinner and committed to your overall health as well.
2. Avail yourself to weight loss tools. Those who keep a food and exercise journal consistently lose more pounds than those who don’t; get into the habit of logging your behavior and tracking the progress associated with it. Buy a measuring tape and record your dimensions every few weeks to keep you in line with your program. Weighing yourself is also an important element of the success of your efforts and nipping problems in the bud before they become overwhelming.
3. Seek support from your social circle. No matter what the goal is, when you’ve got solid backing from the people that mean the most to you, your chances of success skyrocket compared to going it alone. Make sure people around you know what’s going on so they can make positive contributions to your efforts and throw their full support behind you. If possible, find a friend who has been talking about managing their own weight and join forces with dieting tips, workouts together and helpful encouragement.
4. Set goals to keep you going. Having a healthy weekly reduction goal will help maintain your focus and motivation. Set your sights on a fabulous pair of jeans and commit to fitting into them within a month or so, or lay out some other concrete and measurable goal that is realistic and worth fighting for. Although the end-goal of reaching your ideal weight is your primary objective, you need to keep it fun, interesting and rewarding along the way.
5. Don’t give up. It may take you longer to see real results than you originally anticipated, or something else may be going on with your metabolism. Have a chat with your physician if you become too frustrated, to rule out any underlying obstacles that you may not be aware of. Understand that weight loss is not an instantaneous process and may require even more of an effort than what you’ve been trying thus far. Intensifying your workout in some way or being more selective with the types of calories you consume may move the process along, however, you must accept that the process of weight loss is challenging and requires your total, long-term commitment.
It’s tough to resist temptation and adhere to a fitness regimen, but if you aren’t dedicated to your weight loss program, all of your efforts are pretty much wasted. Give yourself the opportunity to succeed by taking the right approach and following through with great ideas, like the ones you have just read. Learn to live a new lifestyle, incorporating healthy habits, and you will reach your weight loss goals!

Using Biking As A Great Weight Loss Strategy

It is quite the challenge to lose weight for many people, but you can make it easier on yourself. Find something you like to do as far as your exercise is concerned, and if that is biking, then you have found the right article. Continue reading to learn how you can use your bike as a great weight loss strategy.
You must consider the size of the bike that you need and the style as well. What type of bike do you want? Make sure above everything else that you get the right size bike for your needs. You don’t want a bike that is too small especially. Take a look at them online or in person to get a better idea of the size that you need.
You need the right shoes to wear too if you don’t have any already. If you have the money, go ahead and buy yourself a new pair to show your dedication anyway. It is a great thing for yourself that you’re about to do. Get the right shoes for your needs, and make sure they’re comfortable as well. Of course, they have to be the right shoes for biking, so don’t buy anything off topic.
When you’re planning a nice long ride, make sure you take water and low-fat snacks with you or a sports drink. Think of it like a picnic, and make sure the stuff you pack is healthy. You can stop at the half-way point in your ride and have a little picnic, or you can drink your water and eat whatever snack you pick along the way. Make sure you have some way to carry it with you easily. This means you will want to make sure that either your bike has a storage place or holder for these or you can put them on your person somehow. A backpack is always a good thing to have.
You also need a first-aid kit on your person, so it’s probably a good idea that you have a backpack as mentioned earlier if you don’t have compartments for things on your bike. This backpack can contain your food and water as well as your first-aid kit. This will ensure that you have the supplies that you need.
You also need to have things to fix your tire in case something happens. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have this stuff in your backpack as well. You can also get extra padding to put in your seat, and this will make it comfortable for you to ride longer. You also need to know where you’re going so that you don’t get lost.

When trying to lose weight, it’s important that you do something you like to do for exercise. Make sure you pick and choose a few different activities, and try looking for something new. Biking makes a great exercise routine, and you should remember what you’ve read to ensure that you have the best biking experience.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How To Change A Poor Diet

When people think of diet they think of food. We must first clarify what a diet is all about so that you understand how diets differ from one person to another. Every person needs a certain amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to survive.

 Not every person needs the same amount of these elements to survive. The basis for a diet depends on your age, metabolism, activities, and nutritional needs.
A poor diet usually translates, over time, to poor health.

 A younger person can overcome the deficiencies of a poor diet and still function normally compared to an older adult.

What Causes a Poor Diet?

Poor diets are generally the result of bad habits. In a fast-paced, fast food world, we become accustomed to eating quickly and eating processed foods. As this routine becomes part of our daily routine, the end result is a poor diet.

Your body has the remarkable resilience to still function adequately, even though it has to work harder to process junk food and the likes. But, there comes a time when your body, as regenerative as it is, starts to fail.

Unfortunately, most people don’t wake up to the fact that their diet needs changing until it reaches this point. Fortunately, you are about to find out how to change a poor diet right now.

Small Changes Equal Big Results

As mentioned, poor diets are usually the result of bad habits. Eating fast, eating on the run, eating late at night, all these habits perpetuate eating foods that are not good for you – mainly fast foods.

To change bad habits you must first identify those habits. You may not be able to change your daily routine, but there is always a small change you can make. It could be 10 minutes here or there; this is where you start. You must start from where you’re at and work from there.

Breakfast is an important meal. Focusing on a good breakfast makes the rest of your day good. Breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated, it only has to be digestible and somewhat nutritious. What do we mean by digestible? Pancakes with heavy syrup and bacon and ham is hard to digest in the morning.

It takes more energy, and instead of feeling energized you will feel sluggish. This is not the way to start your day. Oatmeal with honey and berries is much better and simpler to make.

What you must keep in mind with any meal is: the heavier the meal the more time it takes to digest. There’s also a similar correlation with processed, junk foods – it takes more energy to process these foods than the benefits derived from them. These are all things that contribute to a poor diet.

Changing a poor diet should be done by changing poor habits one at a time. It may start with simply taking an extra 10 minutes at dinner to relax and enjoy the meal. From there you can replace poor quality foods with better, nutritious foods.

Trying to change too many things at once usually ends up in frustration, and you’ll revert back to your old, bad habits.

A Fruitful View of Beauty

Here are the nutritional highlights of 1 large peach:

  • Calories 67...
  • Protein 1.1g
  • Carbohydrate 17.4g
  • Total Fat 0.14g
  • Fiber3.1g

The antioxidant Vitamin C that's found in peaches is an anti-inflammatory agent which can help reduce asthma symptoms.
Peaches (the fruitful view) are also a good source of potassium, carotene and natural sugar. There is a gently laxative effect associated with peaches.
Fresh peaches are low in calories but when canned in syrup the calories would be higher. They make good and nutritious snacks.
Fruits are a beauty to look at. Make a fruit salad with a combination of fruits. What an awesome fruit view of beauty.
Fruits are delicious in taste and rich source of vitamins, anti- oxidants, minerals and dietary fibers. It is recommended to eat raw fruits or fresh fruit juices for optimum benefits. Fruits are beneficial in reducing weight, improve digestion, reducing effects of Alzheimer disease and reducing the risk of heart disease.
Is a rich source of fiber and phytochemicals. High fiber content reduces the chances of heart disease. Apple contains no fat, so it is good for reducing weight.
Is enriched with calcium, fibers, and potassium.Potassium is important in the cardiac health of human.Potassium reduces the risk of heart diseases. Calcium is necessary in preventing osteoporosis in veterans. Banana also gives instant energy. Banana contains zero cholesterol and zero fat. Banana is beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea and gastric ulcers.
Black grape
Black grape is enriched with flavonoids, minerals and nutrients, which are helpful in heart functioning and blood circulation. Black grapes reduce the cholesterol level and also reduces appetite, so it is helpful in reducing weight.

Is citrus food which is a rich source of Vitamin C; therefore, can strengthen our body’s immune system. Orange is also loaded with anti-oxidants and folic acids. Oranges are rich source of Beta-carotene. Oranges also contain plenty of iron content which can prevent anemia.

Hair Beauty Maintenance Care

Hair beauty maintenance care target is for healthy hair which can be achieved with proper food diet and maintenance.
The most common temporary type is called "alopecia areata" wherein it starts from a small and round patch that grows in size.
Here are some tips that can help with prevention

1. Proper Diet:

For hair beauty, a balanced diet is one of the major keys to prevention. Eating foods that are nutritious especially for the hair can be effective in fighting against it.

If you are experiencing any shedding because you are undernourished, you should take time to make a diet plan which can provide sufficient nutrients for your overall health as well.

2. Develop Good Maintenance Habits:

For hair beauty, improper handling is an unhealthy habit that can lead to an excessive loss. Handle gently when it's wet because it's weaker when wet. If possible use natural air drying methods instead electronic ones such as the blower.

3. Don’t Change Styles Frequently:

This will really help you prevent any loss because you are letting it undergo its normal growth cycle. Styles that are tight like buns, ponytails, put too much pressure on the scalp and hinder it from growing.

4. Don't Twist, Rub or Pull:

This will make it shed. Shedding hair can be one of the most dreaded situations. It will not only affect the overall physical appearance but can also affect emotional condition as well.

 writer. martha Wilson


Monday, March 19, 2018

No Sugar Drumbeat Gets Iouder

 No Sugar’ drumbeat gets louder

Well, if you wanted to call me a Gary Taubes fanboy before, I guess you’ve got one more reason to now as here’s one more post about his writings.

Back in October 2010, I authored a post entitled Sugar – Public Enemy Number One. The main takeaway I intended for the article was to argue that if all the diet books and nutrition gurus in all the world would just agree on this *one* thing: elimination of refined sugars from the diet (including fruit juices, by the way) that would be the single most important contribution they could all make to our public health. 

This would result in vastly healthier people and dramatically lower health care costs.

Back in January when Gary took his show on the road to Seattle, he mentioned he was working on this big article for the New York Times about sugar.

 The summary was he was taking a look into the claims of Dr. Robert Lustig of UCSF who came out and said fructose was a toxin – in the concentrations consumed in the SAD

Now that Gary is a left coaster, he’s gotta make nice with the neighbors (he even got his new BFF Michael Pollan to say nice things about his new book – nice going :)

The net of all this is a ‘little’ piece in the New York Times called Is Sugar Toxic?. Of course, Gary doesn’t do ‘little’ so don’t expect a reader’s digest version, but you should expect a thorough and well-reasoned article.

Of course, I want you to read it, but the summary is he thinks there’s something to the idea that sugar should be considered a toxin. One small step for man 

Friday, March 9, 2018

Quit Smoking For Good With These Tips

You will benefit in health and in other ways when you stop smoking.
Make sure you take quitting one step at the time. Giving up the tobacco habit is a slow process.Take it one day at a time and as each day turns into another, which will help establish a habit that will help you over the long term.

If you’re trying to stop smoking, stop thinking about forever.Focus on giving up cigarettes for the day without smoking. You can always have more long term goals once you feel comfortable with your level of commitment to quit.

Exercise is also a stress reliever. If you do not exercise normally, you can start slowly by walking regularly. Speak to a physician before you start any kind of exercise routine.
Try eating more veggies in fruits to avoid gaining the weight gain from quitting smoking. This will prevent the likelihood of weight gain that comes with quitting.

If you have been unable to stop smoking with just willpower, consider nicotine replacement therapy.
You should not attempt to shoulder the entire burden of smoking cessation. You can also be interested in joining a support group for people
that are trying to stop smoking.

Cut back before you smoke. This is a good way to ease into the process of eliminating smoking. Try waiting at least one hour before you smoke your first morning cigarette. You can also try to only smoke just one half of a cigarette at a time to cut back on your smoking.

The absolute best advice you can get for quitting smoking is to just do it. Stopping completely is the best way to really quit. Just stop and never let yourself start doing it again. This method can appear somewhat harsh. It has been shown to be the most effective in the long run.

Keep your motivation for quitting on your mind and vision all of the time. This can be accomplished by posting motivational sayings in your office, or even wearing bracelets that remind you of your intentions.

Find support through online forums or communities for those who are trying to quit. There are a lot of different websites that are devoted to help people stop smoking. It may be helpful and informative for you to compare different quitting methods with others.

Stay clear of situations where you would be tempted to smoke.
The first week after you stop smoking is the worst stage. The first two days without smoking is when the body rids itself completely of all the nicotine it has held onto.

 After this point, you will mostly be dealing with the psychological addiction. It is still difficult, but the craving will get less as time passes.

Instead of thinking that you “must” quit, think of it as a gift to yourself. Think about how your life is going to improve, and that the benefits of smoking are so important compared to the few detriments. This will give you a good reason to quit and the rationale to kick the habit immediately.

Get help from friends and family when you stop smoking.Tell those who are close to you that you want to quit smoking. Their added support could be the overriding factor that helps you achieve success.You should also think about joining a smoking cessation group and even check into behavioral therapy to aid your attempt to quit.

When that urge to smoke hits, pull out the list and use it for motivation to keep you going.
Tell those around you know that you are going to stop smoking. If all these people know you want to quit, you’ll feel more accountable. You will do your best not to disappoint them or fall short of their expectations.

This could be exactly the motivation that you going when the going gets tough.
A skilled acupuncturist can help reduce or eliminate cravings by performing targeted acupuncture services in the appropriate areas. While it sounds unpleasant, most of those that have gone through it state the pain isn’t intolerable.

Holding a toothpick in your mouth is a good occupier. Gum and hard candy are also helpful.Be careful not to use most food items for this purpose, however, so that you don’t create a weight problem while trying to quit smoking.

Try deep breathing exercises to help you deal with cravings. Breathe in using your nose while counting up to ten.Hold your breath and exhale while counting to ten. This will reduce all of the stress you feel from cravings and refocuses your attention.

Understand the risks involved with using scopolamine or atropine to help you stop smoking. These drugs can help alleviate your nicotine withdrawal symptoms, but they have their own troublesome side effects.

These side effects could include dizziness, trouble urinating, constipation, and constipation. You do not need to replace one problem with some other serious heath problems.
Try to develop three different plans for kicking the smoking habit.

Try quitting cold turkey the first attempt. Even though the chances of you actually quitting are five percent, you might be able to conquer smoking this way. For your second quit date, try to cut back gradually. If you fail at this, keep going! Consult your doctor on prescription treatment options or try joining a support team.

Undoubtedly, you are familiar with the advantages that come with giving up tobacco. But even these benefits might not be enough motivation to quit smoking, and this is the focus of this guide.

 Utilize them when you believe that your motivational levels need increasing or when a craving arises. You will be able to run faster and breathe more easily before you realize it.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Easy Lose Weight Plans – Affordable Diet Plans to Lose Pounds

We all struggle with our weight and finding an easy to lose diet plan can be our best choice. There are many affordable weight loss plans that are available to you that will help you take off the way and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
 It is important for you to try to stay away from the fly-by-night quick diet plans because in most cases these are not very effective.
 Using a quick diet plan method that you see in those infomercials usually is an expensive option and does not work very well. There are better weight-loss options for you that will be affordable and very effective.
You may want to try several plans before you decide which one works best for you. Many people have found great success using weight watchers and this is mainly due because they have a great support system that can help you lose weight. Most important thing they do is find a plan that fits your lifestyle and that you can lose weight on.

To be successful you have to give the diet time and allow your body to get use to eating a certain way. For improving your chances of success you also want to add an exercise plan so that you can have maximum weight loss and maintain a healthy body.
Remember to find an affordable and effective weight loss plan you need to search for the best one that fits your needs.

In the end to be successful you need to allow the planned to work for you because most people quit after the first week. To reach your goals and live a healthy lifestyle is going to take some time but you will be happy when you’re done.
Find the: Best Diet Plan
Best Tips for: Losing Weight Now
Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Health & Fitness.

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Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Secret to Weight Loss: Quit Whining and Get Moving!

NOTE: I realize this article may offend some people, but I believe that you need to hear the truth about weight loss rather than some watered down "feel-good" version of the truth!

I receive hundreds (yes, hundreds) of questions every month with this general theme... "HELP... I'm doing all the right things but I'm still not losingweight." After talking to hundreds of these people over the years.

 I've come to a few general conclusions. Keep in mind that these are generalizations, but they would apply to over 95% of people in this situation. Also, please note that these ARE in order of importance...and I'm not pulling any punches! :)

1. The vast majority of these people (I call them "non-losers") are not exercising anywhere near enough (if at all)! You can only decrease your caloric intake so much. 

Your other alternative is to increase your caloric expenditure. You can write this in stone... ** VERY FEW people are successfulat losing weight AND keeping it off without exercising almost everyday!!

If you're having trouble losing weight, 20 minutes of exercise three times a week isn't going to cut it! Most people who tell me they are *really serious* about losing weight are not willing to do what it takes to get where they want to be.

 If you're not willing to make exercise a *serious* priority in your life, your chances of succeeding at losing weight and keeping it off are VERY small! Many of my clients who are serious about weight loss are exercising 1 to 2 hours per day. Many split it up and do some in the morning and some in the late afternoon or evening. 

click image & see loss weight solition

If you're having difficulty losing weight, I would recommend that you average at least 30 minutes *everyday*, ideally more.

2. Most "non-losers" that are exercising are not weight training. Weight training is *critical* to maintaining your muscle mass and tone. If you're not weight training while trying to lose weight.

 you will lose muscle mass and tone and your basal metabolic rate will decrease causing you to burn fewer calories 24 hour-a-day!

3. "Non-losers" are actually consuming about 600 calories more per day than they think they are. Recent research with a large group of "non-losers" determined that they were significantly under-estimating the number of calories they were consuming on a daily basis. 

If you're not sure, write down everything you eat for a few weeks.
4. "Non-losers" want *instant* results. When it doesn't happen they either give up or go on some crazy diet. You HAVE to be resolved to the fact that it WILL be slow!

5. "Non-losers" are actually consuming more fat than they think they are. Limiting fat intake to 20 to 30 grams per day is critical for "non-losers".

6. "Non-losers" are notorious for skipping meals! This is really bad news because it slows your metabolism causing you to burn fewer calories 24 hours-a-day.

7. "Non-losers" consume far too much sugar or simple / refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white (non whole wheat) flour products, white (non whole wheat) pastas, soft drinks ("pop" for you northerners), sweetened drinks, and the hundreds of products that contain addded sugar that's deceptively listed on ingredient lists with names like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, etc.

8. Some "non-losers" don't want to give up their alcohol. Alchol is a triple stimulates your appetite, slows your metabolism, and it's loaded with calories! Enough said.

9. Many "non-losers" consume far too few fruits and vegetables.

10. Many "non-losers" always eat until they're full. Practice stopping before you're "full" and see how you feel 30 minutes later. You will probably feel satisfied by then.

11. Many "non-losers" consume artificial sweeteners which stimulate the pancreas to release insulin just like sugar would. Insulin causes your body to store fat and prohibits your body from burning fat for fuel.

Weight loss is VERY difficult! Simply put, If you don't want it bad enough to do what it takes, it's NOT going to happen. If you really want to lose weight, quit playing around with it. Get serious about it and make it an absolute, non-negotiable priority in your life... and it will happen! :)

Healthy Lifestyles: Living a Longer and Healthier Life

You should balance your activities with the proper amount of rest. Some of the leading experts in the field of aging now believe that regularexercise along with the proper amount of rest may actually add years to the life span. Results from a number of tests indicate that speed and muscular strength of many of the elderly can be extended.


Leading authorities agree that this new data is going to shatter many of the myths about aging and physical performance. The conclusion now is that the performance and ability of the elderly has long been underestimated, diet, proper sleep and exercise along with rest and relaxation are all important factors in preserving our bodies.

Laughter is one of the best things for your mental and physical state. People are naturally attracted to someone who has a good sense of humor. You can develop a good outlook and a good sense of humor by associating with and surrounding yourself with pleasant happy people.

Recognize that stress is a killer. A life filled with stress can really wreak havoc on your body causing a number of illnesses such as heart attacks, strokes, asthma, gastric problems, menstrual disorders, ulcerative colitis, angina, irritable colon, increased blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, etc.

There are different types of stress such as mental, emotional and physical. Emotional stress seems to take the greatest toll on everyone. All stress is not bad; in fact, life would not be very interesting if it were not met with challenges. However, too much stress, too often with no effective and appropriate outlet, does not allow the body and soul to recuperate.

 You might review a typical week to see if you can identify things that might be making you anxious or causing you stress. Once identified, stressors can be attacked and eliminated.

Are you a worrier? Chronic worriers don't have more serious problems than others - they just think they do. Many worriers try to cope by trying not to think about their problems, but this just makes things worse

Doctors say that chronic worriers feel less anxious if they actually spend a half-hour a day thinking specifically about their problems.

Get plenty of exercises. People who are physically fit look good and feel good. A good exercise regimen will lengthen your life. Improve your appearance, build self-confidence and help delay the aging process.

Remember that you need to do something physical every day. If you don't use your joints, quite simply they'll tighten up with age to create the stooped, bent and worn out appearance we so often associate with old age. Studies have shown that people with arthritis experience less pain if they continue to keep their joints flexible. 

As one gets older, the bones tend to get brittle which is why it is common for senior citizens to break bones and especially their hips when they fall.

Eating right, getting proper sleep and learning to relax are all very valuable in maintaining a healthy body and mind. And keep in mind that eating healthy foods and avoiding those high in fats, sodium and cholesterol will help to decrease your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and associated problems.