Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Eat Great, Lose Weight. No Gym.

If you are anything like millions of other men and women, you are always looking for a reason to postpone or outright avoid starting a weight loss program. Perhaps you do not want to pay the gym membership fees until the New Year, or maybe you just cannot stomach the thought of donning grubby workout gear in view of others.
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to kick-start your weight loss efforts — none of which require even a single visit to the gym.

First and foremost, consuming water is the easiest and cheapest way to get on the right track. Think of all the money you’ll save by ditching sodas and canned drinks from the vending machines at work and school, not to mention the cash you’ll hang onto by avoiding your local coffee bar.

 If you find the taste of tap water more repulsive than the idea of being fat, invest a few dollars in a filter. You can purchase one that fits into your kitchen sink, or you might opt for a water pitcher with a built-in filter. Another option is to buy a water bottle with a filter. Altogether, most of these alternatives will set you back less than $50.

Who can resist the temptation of Taco Bell and other greasy fast food denizens of the night? Simple: healthy people. It’s not just the usual suspects, either; any food, if eaten late in the evening or at night, has the potential to cause you to pack on the pounds and experience setbacks in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.
 If you are experiencing uncontrollable hunger so late in the day, it is time to reassess your eating habits in the morning, afternoon and early evening. Does your diet include enough fiber? (Fiber helps you to feel fuller throughout the day).
Are you loading up on empty calories and sugary snacks that lack any nutritional value whatsoever? Once you identify potentially problematic eating habits, you can address these unwarranted feelings of extreme hunger. In doing so, you are promoting healthier behaviors and will find it easier to drop those last few pounds.
If you regularly dine out in restaurants or visit the drive-thru at your local fast food joint, you are doing your body and your wallet serious injustice! Not only are these meals expensive (especially over the course of a few months), but they are often served with blatant disregard for the recommended portion size.

It is estimated that the average sit-down restaurant serves two to three times the appropriate 
amount of food; the exception, of course, is when steamed or similarly prepared vegetable sides are concerned, in which case portions tend to be undersized. Go figure!
If you think these guidelines seem overly simplistic, you are probably right. The truth is, however, that the simplest and most obvious solutions are often the most effective and sustainable options. Adopting healthier eating habits is certainly no exception.

So before you invest in so-called “miracle” supplements and fitness equipment, why not first consider what has been proven to work time and time again? Use the recommendations from this article and save your money (and your sanity) as you shed excess weight and burn through those calories.

Your Guide To Quick Weight Loss

Have you let yourself go a bit in recent months or years? Do you have a special event coming up soon? Wouldn’t you like to look like your old self for that special day? Losing weight quickly is something many of us strive to do from time to time, but it can be difficult.

Some of you may even believe that quick weight loss is impossible to achieve short of starving yourself. However, this is simply not true. The following article will teach you how you can safely lose weight quickly and keep that weight off. Read on and learn some great tips for losing weight fast!
The first step you are going to take is to substitute all of your beverages with water. So goodbye to sodas and juices that are full of unnecessary sugar. You’d be surprised to learn how many extra calories you can consume from sodas alone, and these calories have no nutritional benefits other than expanding your waist line.

Some of you may find it difficult to drink only water all day every day, but give it time, and you’ll soon see that your cravings for sugary drinks will go away, and you will enjoy much more energy throughout the day when you drink enough water.

Strive to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day (more if you are working out). Carrying around a water bottle will make it much easier for you to get your daily requirements of water as it will always be around so you never forget to drink up.

If you are serious about losing weight in a hurry then you are going to have to find some way to burn calories. Now running 5 miles a day would do the job, but lets be honest, who on earth wants to do that? Rather, it is important that you find an activity that you enjoy doing so that you can stay motivated during your weight loss journey. Try playing basketball or any other sport that you enjoy, and you will soon see the pounds start to melt away.

When it comes to losing weight quickly, you must burn more calories than you consume. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your portions small when you do it. This doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself, but you should be making a conscious habit of eating only what you need to sustain your energy throughout the day. Try breaking your meals into 5 small meals instead of 3 larger ones so that you feel fuller throughout the entire day.
We’ve just gone over a few of the many ways you can help yourself lose weight quickly. You should take the time and do some research on your own to find even more helpful ways to lose weight, but if you implement the tips mentioned in this article, you are sure to drop those pounds in not time and enjoy the body you once had. Good luck!

What You Must Incorporate Into Your Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight is no easy task, especially if you’ve spent too many years putting it on. You’ve got to be 100 percent dedicated to the process and have a good strategy behind your efforts. Consider the following ways to improve your approach to weight loss and increase your chances of finally succeeding with it.
1. Think long-term, not temporary fix. As you devise your weight loss plan, consider the benefits of adopting healthy habits on a permanent basis. Your immediate goal may be to attain a certain weight, but the ways in which you get there can benefit you in other areas also, like reducing your chances of developing heart disease. Look into your future and visualize yourself being thinner and committed to your overall health as well.
2. Avail yourself to weight loss tools. Those who keep a food and exercise journal consistently lose more pounds than those who don’t; get into the habit of logging your behavior and tracking the progress associated with it. Buy a measuring tape and record your dimensions every few weeks to keep you in line with your program. Weighing yourself is also an important element of the success of your efforts and nipping problems in the bud before they become overwhelming.
3. Seek support from your social circle. No matter what the goal is, when you’ve got solid backing from the people that mean the most to you, your chances of success skyrocket compared to going it alone. Make sure people around you know what’s going on so they can make positive contributions to your efforts and throw their full support behind you. If possible, find a friend who has been talking about managing their own weight and join forces with dieting tips, workouts together and helpful encouragement.

4. Set goals to keep you going. Having a healthy weekly reduction goal will help maintain your focus and motivation. Set your sights on a fabulous pair of jeans and commit to fitting into them within a month or so, or lay out some other concrete and measurable goal that is realistic and worth fighting for. Although the end-goal of reaching your ideal weight is your primary objective, you need to keep it fun, interesting and rewarding along the way.

5. Don’t give up. It may take you longer to see real results than you originally anticipated, or something else may be going on with your metabolism. Have a chat with your physician if you become too frustrated, to rule out any underlying obstacles that you may not be aware of. Understand that weight loss is not an instantaneous process and may require even more of an effort than what you’ve been trying thus far. Intensifying your workout in some way or being more selective with the types of calories you consume may move the process along, however, you must accept that the process of weight loss is challenging and requires your total, long-term commitment.
It’s tough to resist temptation and adhere to a fitness regimen, but if you aren’t dedicated to your weight loss program, all of your efforts are pretty much wasted. Give yourself the opportunity to succeed by taking the right approach and following through with great ideas, like the ones you have just read. Learn to live a new lifestyle, incorporating healthy habits, and you will reach your weight loss goals!.

What You Must Incorporate Into Your Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight is no easy task, especially if you’ve spent too many years putting it on. You’ve got to be 100 percent dedicated to the process and have a good strategy behind your efforts. Consider the following ways to improve your approach to weight loss and increase your chances of finally succeeding with it.
1. Think long-term, not temporary fix. As you devise your weight loss plan, consider the benefits of adopting healthy habits on a permanent basis. Your immediate goal may be to attain a certain weight, but the ways in which you get there can benefit you in other areas also, like reducing your chances of developing heart disease. Look into your future and visualize yourself being thinner and committed to your overall health as well.
2. Avail yourself to weight loss tools. Those who keep a food and exercise journal consistently lose more pounds than those who don’t; get into the habit of logging your behavior and tracking the progress associated with it. Buy a measuring tape and record your dimensions every few weeks to keep you in line with your program. Weighing yourself is also an important element of the success of your efforts and nipping problems in the bud before they become overwhelming.
3. Seek support from your social circle. No matter what the goal is, when you’ve got solid backing from the people that mean the most to you, your chances of success skyrocket compared to going it alone. Make sure people around you know what’s going on so they can make positive contributions to your efforts and throw their full support behind you. If possible, find a friend who has been talking about managing their own weight and join forces with dieting tips, workouts together and helpful encouragement.
4. Set goals to keep you going. Having a healthy weekly reduction goal will help maintain your focus and motivation. Set your sights on a fabulous pair of jeans and commit to fitting into them within a month or so, or lay out some other concrete and measurable goal that is realistic and worth fighting for. Although the end-goal of reaching your ideal weight is your primary objective, you need to keep it fun, interesting and rewarding along the way.
5. Don’t give up. It may take you longer to see real results than you originally anticipated, or something else may be going on with your metabolism. Have a chat with your physician if you become too frustrated, to rule out any underlying obstacles that you may not be aware of. Understand that weight loss is not an instantaneous process and may require even more of an effort than what you’ve been trying thus far. Intensifying your workout in some way or being more selective with the types of calories you consume may move the process along, however, you must accept that the process of weight loss is challenging and requires your total, long-term commitment.
It’s tough to resist temptation and adhere to a fitness regimen, but if you aren’t dedicated to your weight loss program, all of your efforts are pretty much wasted. Give yourself the opportunity to succeed by taking the right approach and following through with great ideas, like the ones you have just read. Learn to live a new lifestyle, incorporating healthy habits, and you will reach your weight loss goals!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How To Count Calories

differently for men and women due to usual body differences. The rate is calculated for men by adding 66 with 6.23 multiplied by body weight.

This figure is added to 12.7 multiplied by height in inches. Six point eight multiplied by age i.
Weight loss not only means an exercise program, and meal planning, but also calorie counting.

Counting calories can seem daunting at first, especially when understanding that everything from coffee creamers, sugars, salad dressing and other condiments, to full course meals, and snacks are all part of the calorie equation.

It isn’t, however, just a matter of counting calories. Different people need different caloric amounts, and it depends greatly on factors such as how much weight an individual desires to lose, along with the basal metabolic rate.

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories the body needs during rest to continue to function. There are some differences in BMR when it comes to gender.

The rate is determined s subtracted from the previous figure. The sum is the BMR for men. For women 655 is added to 4.35 multiplied by weight. That figure is added to 4.7 multiplied by height in inches.

Four point seven multiplied by age is subtracted from previous sum, and that is the resulting BMR for a female.

The BMR sum is then calculated on a scale of activity. For instance, The BMR is multiplied by 1.2 for a sedentary lifestyle, 1.375 for light active, 1.55 for moderate active, 1.725 very active, and 1.9 for extra active.

This resulting figure gives individuals the total caloric intake and the amount the body needs to maintain the current weight.

Once individuals know the total caloric intake, and the amount needed to maintain weight, they can begin making adjustments to meals and reducing caloric intake for weight loss.
Keep in mind it takes a 3,500 calorie reduction to lose one pound.

For those who want to lose one pound a week they would need to give up 500 calories a day. Dieting alone often means a much slower means of weight loss than dieting and exercise combined.

Exercise will result in more calories burned per day, and the more intense the workout the more weight loss is achieved.

A few things to consider during weight loss is to avoid restricting too many calories. Not more than 1,000 calories a day should be cut.

Starvation diets often reduce metabolic rates, and the body goes into starvation mode and begins storing fat.

 Excessive weight loss is also dangerous, and can result in poor health. Don’t attempt to lose more than two pounds a week.

When on a diet and exercise plan its best to pace oneself and to realize even positive changes take time.

Weight loss is a day by day process, and means not just losing weight to fit in the summer bathing suit, but a more realistic goal is to see it as a lifestyle change.

Learning better eating habits, and implementing a healthy lifestyle will naturally result in permanent weight loss.

How To Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

Everyone wants big, vibrant and beautiful eyes. Anyone can make their eyes appear bigger regardless of their actual size.

 The items you will need are a pair of false eyelashes, eyeshadow, mascara, white eyeliner and black or midnight blue eyeliner.

 The tools you will need to have on hand are an eye shadow brush, cotton balls, q-tips, a small spray bottle of water and an all purpose make up brush.

Before you begin, make sure your hands are clean. The first step is to cut your lashes in half and keep the outer lashes. Using tweezers to hold the lashes, apply a few small dots of eyelash adhesive and place them on the outer corners of each eye. Press them onto your lid for several seconds to make sure they are secure.

Next apply an eye shadow color of your choice as a base over your entire eye lid to prevent creasing and to help additional shadow adhere to your eyes. Choose a color that is complementary to your eye color.

 Start out with a light application beginning in the center of the lid and build up with each layer. This will open up the eye. Use a contour brush and apply the shadow directly under the lower lash line starting in the middle.

Use an all purpose make up brush to whisk away eye shadow that has fallen onto your face.

Start with your eye liner brush and spritz a small amount of water on the brush, then dip it into a black or midnight blue cream liner. A dark color works well to enhance the eye because it contrasts against the whites of your eyes.

 While looking downward use the brush to fill in the underside roots of the upper lashes. Wiggle the brush slightly to fill in and color the lashes that have separated. This will create a seamless look between your lashes and the fake lashes.

 Do the same thing on the top side of the upper lashes. For your lower lashes start in the middle below your lash line when applying the liner. Make sure to apply to the middle and go a little to the left and right, but do not apply to the entire lower lash line.

That will close in your eye and make them appear smaller. Use the contour brush to blend in the liner on the top and bottom lashes.

The final step is the mascara and a touch of white eye liner. This is the crowning touch for your new doe eyed look. Instead of using the whole mascara wand, using just the tip separates your lashes. Apply a couple coats of mascara to the upper and bottom lashes.

Wiggling the mascara brush will create a fuller and more evenly coated look to your lashes. Finally, apply white eye liner to the inner lash line on the bottom of your eyes. This will take away redness, further opens your eyes and makes the eyes appear brighter and bigger.

How To Keep Weight Off

Most individuals are looking for a way to lose the weight that they wish to get rid of rather quickly, which is why many of us turn to what is termed the fad diet.

 Although this sort of diet will generally allow you to quickly drop the pounds that you want to lose, the issue most people find is being able to keep the weight off after it is lost with these methods.

The reason that these diets are termed “fads” is that they are generally used by individuals for a short period of time in order to drop the pounds, but are not successful nor healthy to utilize for a long term time frame.

 Thus, you may be wondering how to keep the weight off if you lose it on a fad diet, and this is a good question.

An expert who is a registered dietitian specifically deals with issues of weight and healthy living on a daily basis.

You will learn tips and suggestions in order to help you keep the weight off that you have worked hard to drop.

Experts suggest that losing weight in a healthy manner and then trying to keep it off is not an easy process. Again, this is why many individuals will turn to these quick fixes or fad diets in order to get results at a faster pace. 

When one starts to lose the weight the body begins to re-adjust itself and so is going to need less and less calories in order to sustain itself properly.

 Over time, one is going to have to either decrease calories once again or increase the amount of exercise that you are engaging in.

Another issue whe

n trying to lose the weight that you want is something that is called a plateau.

 A plateau essentially refers to a period where you body is not budging in terms of weight loss and you seem to be stuck at a certain number for a period of time.

 Most individuals see this as a negative effect, however, experts suggest that this is actually a positive that should be noted.

It is positive in that it shows you that your body has actually begun to find a new set point or number that is it comfortable in functioning at.

This means that progress is being made and you are headed in the right direction to where you ultimately want to be in terms of weight loss goals.

Overall, it is possible to keep the weight off that you lose when engaging in a fad diet. One must simply continue to choose healthy living tips and strategies and not become frustrated when the body chooses to plateau and re-adjust to the changes made.

Again, an adjustment in caloric intake or simply an increase in exercise can also be helpful in maintaining the weight that you wish to keep.

There are various ways to continue to see positive effects of your hard work and all you need to do is keep all of them in mind.

Hair Beauty Maintenance Care

Hair beauty maintenance care target is for healthy hair which can be achieved with proper food diet and maintenance.
The most common temporary type is called "alopecia areata" wherein it starts from a small and round patch that grows in size.
Here are some tips that can help with prevention

1. Proper Diet:

For hair beauty, a balanced diet is one of the major keys to prevention. Eating foods that are nutritious especially for the hair can be effective in fighting against it.

If you are experiencing any shedding because you are undernourished, you should take time to make a diet plan which can provide sufficient nutrients for your overall health as well.

2. Develop Good Maintenance Habits:

For hair beauty, improper handling is an unhealthy habit that can lead to an excessive loss. Handle gently when it's wet because it's weaker when wet. If possible use natural air drying methods instead electronic ones such as the blower.

3. Don’t Change Styles Frequently:

This will really help you prevent any loss because you are letting it undergo its normal growth cycle. Styles that are tight like buns, ponytails, put too much pressure on the scalp and hinder it from growing.

4. Don't Twist, Rub or Pull:

This will make it shed. Shedding hair can be one of the most dreaded situations. It will not only affect the overall physical appearance but can also affect emotional condition as well.

 writer. martha Wilson


Monday, March 19, 2018

Tips for buying a strength station

Fitness tips for the purchase of a power station

As fitness becomes more and more important, many sports enthusiasts are looking for a cheap gym from a fitness shop.
 With a good power station, you save yourself the transition to a gym & can train at any time in its own four walls at its own power station. 

Power Stations as "Mini" - Gym:

Good, but also cheap power stations are fitness studios in "mini format". A proper power station includes all training options to get your body in the best shape.

With a good, often cheap, power station, you can train your upper body and your legs optimally. A high-quality weight station often includes a chest press, an abdominal trainer, a rowing machine and a leg press. Average power station should definitely include a cable, butterfly, pull rod & leg curl.

What should I look for when buying a power station:

Firstly, looking for a suitable place or place for his new multi-gym. Often it makes sense to transport the new power station to the cellar. There, however, the new power station quickly falls into oblivion.

You have to think carefully about where you want to set up the power station to get the optimal place for your strength training. Furthermore, you should look at the maximum weight before buying a power station. 

Depending on how much weight is trained, the maximum weight of the new power station is quickly exceeded. It should also be checked if the strength station is stable and you can optimize your strength training.

 The to-be-acquired power station should also have various adjustment options, such as the seat so that even larger athletes can complete their strength training without restrictions. 

Other highlights of a high-quality power station are sheathed steel cables as a cable pull or a power station with ergonomically shaped handles. 

 writer. martha Wilson


If you’ve had a chance to read a few posts or pages, you’ll know I’m out of the mainstream on just about everything. Why should the topic of exercise be any different? The conventional wisdom goes a little like this: •

You must conduct 4-5 sessions per week of ‘cardio’ exercise in your ‘fat burning’ zone for at least 30 minutes each • While it’s not a bad idea to lift heavy things, don’t make that the cornerstone of your exercise regimen • Get your ‘exercise’ as a part of sports activity (golf, tennis, etc.) •

 Rest is for wimps – and fat people. Don’t let any more than a couple days go by without hitting the gym. OK, some of that was a little squishy, but I think you recognize the general outlines of the conventional wisdom on exercise. Now for my take: •

 The key to effective exercise is to conduct it for the express purpose of inducing a ‘dose-response’ effect. What this means in practice is it is most effective to engage in relatively short duration, but maximally intense activities that send the signal to your organism that it had better cowboy up because a lot is going to be asked of it. •

After said short-duration intense activity, it is essential to give your body time to recover from the intensity to build new muscle, make way for increased cardiovascular activity and give your nervous system time for repair.

While I have not settled on a single program, my current focus is on the Body by Science approach to strength training and the P.A.C.E. Program approach to increasing pulmonary capacity.

What these two programs have in common is they emphasize the need to challenge your body with high-intensity activity followed by an appropriate period of time for rest and recovery. In the case of BBS, the recommended rest time is between 5 and 7 days – and it is working very well for me, I might add.

 One issue that bears clarification is that the definition of ‘intensity’ is dictated by each individual’s current state of fitness. You start wherever you are and build from there. No ‘cookie-cutter’ solutions for exercise. So, that’s it in a brief nutshell.

Will endeavor to post more regularly on my personal exercise activities and provide background on interesting approaches as I come across them.